Hackney Advice





REPORT: Universal Credit Briefing Session


The Sustainable Advice in Hackney Project is very grateful to Steve Hanshaw from the Department from Work and Pensions and Ian Jones from the London Borough of Hackney for delivering a Universal Credit Briefing Session for Hackney advisors on Wednesday 7th October 2015. The session was chaired by Councillor Ian Rathbone.


The Sustainable Advice in Hackney project decided to arrange the session as many advisors and their clients had expressed confusion about the forthcoming changes to the way people will receive their benefits.


Steve and Ian's presentations demystified the process considerably.



Please find Steve Hanshaw's powerpoint slides from the session available to download HERE.


Please find Ian Jones' powerpoint slides from the session available to download HERE.


*There is also an audi recording of the event which Hackney advisors can request by emailing info@hackneyadvice.org.uk*
